An interview on homeopathy with Beth Goodwin, PDHom - Getting to know homeopathy, the second most popular healing methodology on the planet.”

”Getting to know homeopathy, the second most popular healing methodology on the planet.”
Part 1 of a 2-part interview on homeopathy with Beth Goodwin, PDHom*, principal homeopath at Goodwin Homeopathics
First Aid Remedies to Have On Hand
(Attendees: Heather Jaynes (owner), Kelsey Middleton and Eevi Delphine (employees).)
Beth: The remedies available at Willowtree, a lot of them are for first aid, so it would be great to highlight their uses for you. On a constitutional basis, all of these remedies could be appropriate for constitutional reasons. That is an arena for the professional homeopath because it involves an in depth consultation.
Kelsey: What is the basic concept behind it a vibrational’s holding the basic vibration of the plant?
Eevie: Like cures like.
Beth: Yes. Like cures like, the Law of Similars.
Eevie: What is the base of the remedy?
Beth: Water or distilled alcohol.
Eevie: What about the lactose in the remedy? Does it affect people sensitive to dairy?
Beth: No, not at all. That is a good question.
Beth: If a customer came in and said, “I over did it gardening today, what do you have for me?” you could offer them Arnica 30c. They could take it twice that day. If a mother came in and said, “My son was at the playground and he hit his head very badly on a metal pole.”, then Arnica 200c. So, the 200c is more appropriate for trauma, hitting the head, shock, concern about concussion, bruising. The 200c could be taken once that day.
Eevie: Regarding topical ointments, there are often several remedies in them. Do you recommend them?
Beth: I don’t have a problem recommending topical Arnica. If someone pulls a muscle, I would always encourage the homeopathic remedy first because it’s more direct. If the customer would prefer only something topical, then Traumeel or Arnica oil would be fine.
Kelsey:: What about both? I’m assuming one is immediate relief and one is more long term.
Beth: Oh, the homeopathic remedy is immediate as well. If it is an acute situation and they need Arnica, it will help them immediately. While I think about it, menthol and camphor are strong antidotes to homeopathic remedies. So, if your customer is interested in homeopathy, help them avoid products such as Tiger Balm, Vicks, etc.
Eevie: What about peppermint toothpaste?
Beth: As long as the remedy isn’t put into the mouth immediately after brushing the teeth or while toothpaste is in the mouth, it should be fine. Allowing 30 minutes before and after taking a remedy is best. The most important products to avoid are menthol and camphor.
Kelsey and Eevie: O, that is important to know!
Beth: Ok, so let’s explore some more first aid remedies. Ledum palustre….for preventing infection in any kind of puncture wound. If one of your customers were to be concerned about tick bites, traveling to the East Coast perhaps, this should be in their travel kit. Of course they should check their body for ticks. If they should see one, I’ve heard pouring vinegar on the tick will cause it to back out. Then, Ledum 30c could be taken three times that day as a preventative against disease or infection. Another use of Ledum is to prevent tetanus. Anytime you are using homeopathy to prevent infection in a wound, it is very important to clean the wound thoroughly.
Kelsey: What plant is that?
Beth: Ledum palustre is considered a Rhododendron, from the Ericaceae family. Another name for it is ‘wild rosemary.’ Another essential remedy to have on hand is Hypericum, also known as St. John’s Wort. The “slice and dice” first aid remedy. Preventing infection in serious cuts. Cuts with a knife or slamming your finger in a door. The cuts are usually quite painful due to nerve damage. Of course the wound should be cleaned well and then Hypericum 30c could be taken up to three times daily for 2-3 days.
Eevie: What other remedies in this collection would be good for most people to have on hand?
Beth: Since we are talking about cleaning wounds, we should talk about Calendula! Calendula tincture diluted in water would be an excellent soak for a cut hand or finger. Calendula contains natural antiseptic properties. Once a wound has begun to heal, taking Calendula 30c can prevent scarring. It’s important to have both the tincture and the potentized remedy on hand.
Some first aid skin remedies-
Apis: Swelling or puffing up of various parts, edema, stinging pains. The sensations and appearance of a bee sting.
Rhus tox: The classic poison ivy remedy. It’s the first remedy to try.
Urtica urens: This is the potentized version of stinging nettle. Use in instances of hives or to antidote the ill-effects of eating shellfish.
Eevie: What about malaria? Someone traveling and wanting to protect themselves?
Beth: Customers interested in travel remedies could contact me personally and I would be happy to suggest a course of action as well as ordering remedies they need. Many remedies appropriate for traveling overseas are available to professionals. However, here’s a good one…., Arsenicum Album, good for food poisoning as well as stomach flu. Last fall my husband travelled to Uzbekistan with a tour group. Many of them ended up with traveler’s diarrhea. Three people contacted me for treatment. Ultimately their symptoms were resolved with a different and unique remedy related to their unique constitutional remedy. Same symptom - three different people, three different remedies - all successful. So, this is a good example of why constitutional treatment is so valuable. Anytime an acute ailment arises, there is a clarity about how to handle it. In this instance, a standard protocol remedy didn’t work for them. Whenever you recommend a protocol, just inform your customers, “If it doesn’t work, please contact a homeopath.” Or, if you are recommending supplements and it’s not working, they need to see a health professional. You are trying to encourage a holistic approach, you want to empower them with more choices other than the conventional route, but, just make them aware that they may need a professional’s advice. Of course you do this with anything you recommend, don’t you?
Eevie and Kelsey: Yes, yes. Are there any books you recommend we have here?
Beth: Yes, I will bring a copy of Get Well Soon, published by the School of Homeopathy. Many of the remedies recommended are remedies you have available at Willowtree.
- First aid and true acute ailments may be a good time to select a remedy for yourself. Get Well Soon, Norland is a small book Willowtree has on hand to guide you in simple situations. Keep in mind that acute ailments may be linked to the constitution of the person and may require a professional homeopath’s assistance.
- Classical Homeopathy is available to our Bainbridge Community: Please know that I am available to help people. I have had over five full years of excellent classical instruction and clinical supervision in homeopathy.
- The remedy that you purchase today might not be the right one for short term and long term health needs, but there exists a correct remedy that will work for you. The information on the homeopathic vial labels is a bare, bare minimum. The information is sometimes so general that it is misleading. In reality each event for each person is unique and special and needs a unique and special remedy. Yes the generic approach can help relieve discomfort, but each health event comes from roots that originate deep within us.. If you aren’t finding relief and improvement then get a recommendation on who to call to go deeper into the healing process. There is a difference between 50 remedies on the shelf and speaking to a Classical Homeopath who knows and has access to thousands of remedies.
- Most remedies made available over the counter are potentized plant or mineral substances.
- Menthol and camphor products like Tiger Balm and Vicks should be avoided while under homeopathic treatment.